In a momentous event, the students of Viswakalayan English Medium School in Chikhali, Pune, were recognized and applauded by the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, for their active participation in the annual event "Pariksha Pe Charcha." This government initiative offers a direct platform for students to engage with the Prime Minister, discussing topics such as examinations, stress management, and academic life.
Several students from the school enthusiastically participated in this year's "Pariksha Pe Charcha," impressing the organizers with their insightful questions and observations. As a result, they received personalized letters of appreciation from Prime Minister Modi. The recognized students include Sanskruti Lokhande, Sanyogita Godase, Siddhi Shinde, Koustubh Kulkarni, Summaiya Kannur, and Divyanshu Yadav.
The school's Director, Mr. Jitedraji Mehta, Mrs. Neelam Mehta, and Principal Dr. Deepali Shirgave, conveyed their heartfelt congratulations to both the students and teachers for this outstanding achievement. This recognition serves as a powerful motivator for the students, encouraging them to excel academically while maintaining a balanced life.
"Pariksha Pe Charcha" stands as a moment of immense pride for the school and its students, highlighting the importance of holistic education and its positive influence on young minds. The recognition received is a testament to the school's dedication to nurturing talented and well-rounded individuals, emphasizing the significance of the event.