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Resilience in Reflection: Mayaa SH's Response to Bullying and Character Slurs

Updated: Jun 12

"Dobaara Bhauka Toh Dekh Leyna" ... Mayaa SH

The Gamechanger Statement that changed the tidal wives of time for Mayaa SH to sit and reflect on the character assassination and the trauma of dealing with slurs and the toxicity that grow stronger every time bullies get away with their intimidation tactics in this country in the name of how progressive we are.

Mayaa SH is a prominent Indian poetess, memoirist and a known name in Contemporary Literature whose work is known for her open discussion on women’s rights and voices and experience of being an Indian woman. Most of her writings deal with women living in a patriarchal society (male-dominated society). Female sensibilities are deeply spread through her writings along with her extensive work for gender neutrality.

Mayaa SH is best known for getting logical congruence for understanding the role of tradition and societal dogma in shaping women's lives and identities speaks on how she underwent character assassination and the resistance she culminated as the urge to not react. In her words, "It's natural to want to defend yourself, but this can often make the situation worse. Reacting can give the person who is attacking you the attention they want, and it can also make you look guilty or defensive."

In summary, Maya's work is often examined from a feminist viewpoint because of its unapologetic exploration of women's lives, desires, and struggles in a society marked by patriarchy and tradition. Character assassination involves triangulation instead of direct communication, gossiping, misuse of power and authority, manipulation of the truth, deceit, groupthink, double-speak, spreading of rumours, unhealthy egotism, and narcissism are used to defame and cast doubt on someone's morals and integrity.

Developmental Feminist, A known name in Contemporary Literature, Social and Legal Activist recalls a real-life incident that forced her to write her most powerful composition "Kotha" in the advent of her deep reflection of the progression of mind and mindset. Recalling a situation in which the country's strongest champion of women's power was completely shocked when she found herself in a dangerous series of events, akin to a nuclear fission reaction where one was caught unaware with a circle of almost uncertainty.

This was in retaliation for the punishment he received for exposing the truth concerning some other matter. This forced Maya SH to think and redefine what empowerment is. In a highly uncertain and sensitive situation that included a young man and woman from the state of Uttar Pradesh sent her a threatening message in a very derogatory manner.

Those messages ended with the words “Dobara Bhauka Toh Dekh Lena”… It was a game-changing moment that made Maya think that the value of life has become almost zero considering the seriousness of words that spread hate crimes. Apart from this, what was even more shocking was the obscene language that the girl used and Mayaa had to go through, who after misunderstanding the situation, threatened to humiliate Mayaa by calling her characterless and questioning the morality of her character.

Apart from this Mayaa also received insights on "Being called a Broker or a Dalal" "Bhai-Behan", "Selling Girls" etc. and all the defence tactics intended to deploy to throw doubt on the accusation upon her with a clear vendetta that "If you expose my sin then I will attempt to discredit your discovery by highlighting your bad character."

We are in the 21st century, yet such incidents happen in which girls and women are considered objects and used as a medium to fulfil the desires of some people and the next day they are nothing. Since ancient times, the objectification of women is deeply rooted in patriarchy.

The underlying notion of deep understanding of life is that there are people who are being sold like commodities in the market to become slaves and brokers, and it is extremely worrying that those who find out the truth also become victims of this by getting exposed to abuse and threats. In this kind of discursive life, women have also been analyzed to be part of bundles of things that are paraded, bid on, sold and traded, even though women today are making huge contributions to the development of their country in various aspects, women are still being treated as a commodity.

Even in many brothels, women are used as objects to commodity multiple commercial needs. Their administrators trick buyers from rich families into buying young children or babies.

Embarrassed by the stigma attached to unmarried mothers, or impoverished women, they are encouraged to donate their children to them, who then sell them to wealthy donors abroad. The word "donation" instead of "payment" for the child becomes a cover to hide the business. The engagement between the discipline of international relations and feminist theory has sparked concerns about the underlying gender dimension of the so-called gender-blind zone and prejudices still held for women today and has given rise to a rich and complex range of analyses.

This attempts to capture various aspects of invisibility, marginalization and objectification of women even today. However, many countries have laws promoting gender equality and banning harmful practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage and globally, despite maternal mortality rates having been cut in half, women still face significant challenges in exercising their rights.

Nearly 800 women die every day during pregnancy and childbirth, and more than 200 million women who want to use modern forms of contraception are unable to access services.


अंधेरी दुनिया के कोने में रोशनी धीमी हो गई है,

लेकिन दिल आत्मा की पवित्रता में रोशन रहते हैं,

अंधेरे की छाया में एक कोने में एक लापरवाह फुसफुसाहट रहती है,

जो समाज द्वारा निर्मित वेदना के महलों में रोता है।

कौन कहता है कि छुपी वो काली उज्याली रात है?

निशा की चांदनी में तो सिर्फ अंधेरा है,

मखमल का एहसास सिर्फ महलो में नहीं,

दिल की गहराई की वो बात है।

जलते दीए उस मोहब्बत की गली में रोशन हुआ करते हैं,

जहां क्षितिज के उस पर एक दुनिया में हज़ारों समय ज़ैया करते हैं,

मोहब्बत के दिलदारो से जान से जाना तक नहीं है तक नहीं है,

जहां हजारों यहीं अश्क के पियाले पिया करते हैं।

उस गली के उस पार जो जिया करते हैं,

दिल की बेवफाई ये क्या घर करती है?

बेचैनियों के आलम से जो बिकता है,

उन बज़ारों की वजह में जो दिखता है।

मन की गुजारिश अंतरमन की चाहतों से है,

एक दीया हर रोज़ उस कोने में जला करता है,

कि घर कर गई वो अंधेरी रातों का एहसास वो है,

जहां जान से जाना तक का बस सफर जो है।

छुपे राज़ों के पहलुओं में जो सो गया है,

वो आत्मा को यहीं कह गया है, की कोठा तो घर में बना करता है साहेब,

तभी तकदिरो तो हर शाम नसीब वालों को दिखती है तकदीर जो बना करती है ..

About The Author

Mayaa SH also known as Lady Singham is a notable Indian poetess and author and a leading novelist from India. Her writings and bold assertions for women are her most popular works known in India. She received a lot of appreciation for her honest presentation on female independence, free from any sense of shame, which has given her work a strength that separates her as a generation of icon clusters.

Mayaa SH also known as Lady Karl Marx and Female Chulbul Pandey is a feminist philosopher, thinker and essayist in 21st-century modern India. She is not a typical passive Indian woman who blindly follows the norms that are not meant to uplift women more sensitively and rationally. She is a Mother of champions the power of self-belief to the extent that her vision of her philosophy is to give freedom to women from so-called judgements that still plague our society at large.

Mayaa SH is a Literary Empowerment Campaigner, an Iconic Contemporary author and Poetess and A Social Activist who has shattered all glass ceilings and barriers to champion the cause of Gender Equality and Neutrality

Best known for her work in Swayam, she is a Champion of Women’s Rights, an Authoress, a Public Intellectual, and a former corporate juggernaut, Mayaa SH is a recognised crusader on India’s contemporary verve of economics, freedom of the press, gender neutrality and human rights.

Mayaa SH is a known name in contemporary literature and is a National and State Award Winner, a Podcaster, an Artist, a Record Chart Topping International Fastest Anthology Co-Author and a twelve-time World Record Holder.

She is driven by her passion to write and compose. She has a love for grammar and mental health awareness by engaging in talk as remedial navigation through any situation.

She always tries to look for ways to merge the two. She is an avid enthusiast of the three C’s: Character, Charisma and Chivalry. Be it, writing; debating or counselling; she makes sure to dedicate time to every such field wherein the reach is extensive and dedicated towards people to make her dreams reach countless souls.

She is a suicide prevention expert. Mayaa has contributed significantly to powerful magazines like “Nirantar” “Namya” and “Tejaswi”. Mayaa SH is driven by the passion to write and engage in closely related creations in life.

Mayaa is a well-known name in contemporary literature, be it writing, debate or counselling; She has saved the lives of many women from suicide and through counselling free of cost has helped them understand the significance of their existence and the importance of self-confidence.

She focuses her attention on allowing women to think for themselves, reinvent and rediscover their purpose of life and goals attached to lead a holistic life According to Mayaa the upliftment of women can be described as a marriage between action and theory.

She has maintained that feminism is not a war between men and women. She said it is a fight between two ideologies. One that elevates men and gives them power, and the other, that advocates for equality.

Maya SH, of her own free will, writes about the innocent one-sided stories of numerous women across the country for depictions of what all women face. Sensitivity is the power of her writings and bold narrations.

Mayaa boldly presents her feelings and thoughts. She realises her identity and understands that it is the need of every woman to raise a voice in a society where structural norms are very deep-seated in the name of progression.


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