Over the past years a lot of attention has been focused on children experiencing the symptoms of “ ADHD “and other Neurodiverse conditions .
I have been dealing with at least a dozen children and their families to enable them to find a space of relaxation for their children with the help of the Natural Plant based Bach Flower Remedies.
It's hard to accomplish anything when your mind behaves like a “ butterfly “ flying from one thought to another , from one project or task to another unable to focus and concentrate at the task in hand .

The Attention Deficit Remedies help if your child has been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD or if he /she is in a temporary state of confusion or unable to focus and concentrate .
Natural Treatments or rather Supportive Treatments for ADHD kids is something that every parent should consider and be aware of .
Sometimes as adults also , we go through an undiagnosed ADHD phase in life where we are struggling with life , work and tasks , unable to settle down , feeling completely ungrounded and off , angry , withdrawn , experience brain fog where we can’t think , confusion , anxiety , restlessness and what not .
We certainly tick a lot of the boxes in terms of ADHD symptoms during this phase and these symptoms hold true for ADHD kids too :
* Mind running at 1000 miles an hour flying from one thing to another and working in an over drive mode day and night .
* Always running around physically and mentally and never being able to relax or take a break .
* Completely disoriented,disorganised, scattered and losing things often .
* Easily distracted due to lack of focus and diverting off to different tasks constantly.
* Easily overwhelmed , irritated and frustrated, stressed and burnt out from stressful work situations.
* Dreamy and wandering , Head in the clouds, not able to fully pay attention to conversations and cannot follow instructions .
* Sensitive to Rejection , very impulsive and impatient, easily triggered and irritated .
* Constantly hopping from one hobby , project , idea or business.
Being a fan of “All Things Natural” and connecting psychology and nervous system to real life - I have read about many different Natural ADHD Remedies, Supplements , Leaf Based as well as Herbal Remedies including Omega 3, magnesium, probiotics et all , I want to focus on Bach flower remedies for ADHD as this is my area of expertise being a Bach Flower Practitioner . It is also the simplest and easiest way to keep your body in a balanced state and your nervous system healthy .
Also very little has been written about Bach flower remedies for ADHD and we need to raise awareness on the subject and its efficacy .
This piece of writing is a personal perspective and.experience , not medical advice and in no way trying to "cure" ADHD.
ADHD and Neurodiversity as a whole can be a superpower when you understand the brain, how it works, how to best manage it and manoeuvre your life around it balancing all overwhelming emotions naturally with Bach Flower Remedies.
Bach flower remedies are not a magical fix but I've experienced they can be helpful to manage many of the symptoms that go along with ADHD.
Talking of Neurodiversity , it comes in many forms and I’m focusing on my experience through working with children as well as adults experiencing ADHD .
The resulting impact of these problems is very often frustration, irritation both with themselves, and care givers , parents etc .
Sometimes there can be some emotional outbursts or a complete shutdown, an episode of rage or totally irrational behaviour, anger or aggression shown towards a sibling or parent.
Equally it can just be a case of noise and tears that need to be let out to simply vent to the world regardless of where they are. There is no rhyme or reason what can occur or where. Hence it’s unpredictable and It can in many cases be difficult to find the trigger points.
What are Bach flower remedies?
It makes sense to start with this since many people might not have heard of Bach Flower Remedies, though the Rescue Remedy (a five flower remedy mix.) is very well known as it is is the most marketed remedy globally .
But there are totally 38 Bach flower remedies, each relating to a different emotion. Each flower remedy has a positive and a negative. If we fall into the negative end of the scale, flower remedies can help to rebalance our emotions and bring back the alignment reminding your body how to be in the natural form .
Plus there are no side effects .
They work on your vibrational level .
Below are the few Bach flower Remedies that have been supportive for clients both children and adults which relate to the characteristics of ADHD.

Gorse and Pine :
When I think about how the children feel after there has been an outburst – often their feelings are of Deep Sadness and sometimes Guilt if they have lashed out, in these cases I like to use Gorse for Deep Despair and then the Pine for the Guilt.
ADHD people are usually inattentive ,disorganised, distracted , cannot focus and concentrate .
They have a difficulty paying attention leading to obvious result of poor memory.
They are quite scattered , daydream making castles in the air and live in a fantasy world and not in the present .they are always lost in thoughts , forgetful and absent minded .
This also makes them creative and a natural at art and such fields as this art of visualisation becomes their strength there . But they need to build on patience and focus to bring alive the visualisation .
Clematis is one of the few Bach flower Remedy for focus and grounding .
As the name suggests, this remedy helps with patience , slowing down and listening to others also .
This remedy helps slow down the hyperactive traits of ADHD kids since they are impatient and need things to quickly else it triggers irritation in them .
These people usually do things quickly as their mind is always on overdrive but also mess up and get bogged down and irritated and angry as quickly . They also find it difficult to wait for things to run their natural course or take its time . This trait leads them to interrupt people and disturb conversations mid way . Hence they prefer to work alone as they can't wait for other people and want to do things at their own pace and come across as anti social.
ADHD symptoms include mood swings and extreme variations in temperament. They can't make up their mind which leads to wasted opportunities and time and can come across as the person being unreliable.
Scleranthus is the remedy for indecision , uncertainty and balance .
Scleranthus helps control motion sickness which manifests out of imbalance.
This remedy can help achieve a calm , determined mind, poised and balanced, able to make quick decisions.
ADHD kids are hyperactive and hyper focus and always running around or on the go but only for what they are extremely passionate or over enthusiastic and many a times this passion may seem fanatical leading to over work , stress and eventually burn out . Since ADHD kids are intense with an over active mind always racing to achieve this idealistic dream , cannot relax and rest , also difficult to put them to bed at night , this remedy helps them to unwind. The remedy makes them realise that worldly principles also exist despite their own idealistic ones . They appear stubborn and manipulative to convince anyone around them to their cause by hook or crook .
Hence this remedy calms them and helps them relax and rest .
White Chestnut:
This remedy is really helpful during a full moon to help with sleep if your sleep is affected by the lunar patterns.
White Chestnut is the remedy primarily for overthinking, constant mental chatter and repetitive thoughts.
White Chestnut people have a mind that goes round like a stuck gramophone constantly replaying an earlier or past conversation leading to stress , anxiety , sleeplessness , restlessness , inability to concentrate and so on and so forth .
The mind always remains busy doing nothing productive .
White Chestnut remedy brings a sense of calm and control to the racing ADHD mind and helps tremendously with sleep.
Hornbeam is the remedy that relates to mental weariness, a lack of motivation to begin any task due to anticipatory fear and for those who are procrastinators . All those who need this remedy find it difficult to get going and suffer from mental fatigue.
They find small everyday tasks boring and suffer a constant "Monday Morning Blues “ feeling . This remedy brings strength to begin a task without fear and face everything joyfully what initially seemed like an insurmountable challenge .
Walnut is the flower remedy for any change or transition . The vulnerability of those who are overly sensitive to outside influence and can easily be led astray by others or who are more dominant characters or who are influenced heavily by the world around them definitely need Walnut to be stable .
From a spiritual perspective, people need protection from outside energies and Walnut helps with that . It helps absorption of negative energies around us as well as help to break old links with the past and move forward.
Walnut is an important remedy and powerful remedy helping to transform and making big decisions about how to live life. Since ADHD people are very sensitive to other people's energies , comments and can feel deeply other people's emotions - Walnut definitely is needed to put a protective barrier around them so they be prevented from absorbing these energies.
Chestnut Bud:
The remedy “ Chestnut Bud “ is for those who often repeat the same mistakes over and over again fail to learn from past experiences. They take a long time to learn by experience . Hence they are prone to mental blocks when trying to learn. This remedy helps with better insight, wisdom from mistakes so the person can gain the knowledge necessary to learn and move forward in the right direction.
This remedy is one of the few used in the bed wetting combination too .
The Resulting Reactions:
The results that I have seen with a personalised blend of direct combination and permutation of the Flower Remedies and my clients have witnessed is that their children have become quieter and calmer and they certainly seem to have helped to ease overwhelming reactions to stressful situations . A significant decrease in meltdowns and temper tantrums happens due to the nervous system being at ease that too with natural remedies without any side effects . Also the remedies help kids greatly during transitions - from one school to another and separation anxiety from mothers specially . Using Bach Flower Remedies for seemingly small but great emotional issues for kids keeps their nervous system balanced improving their Immunity and Hapiness .

If you are Interested to try these Natural Plant Based Bach Flower Remedies for ADHD or any other challenges or just keeping yourself emotionally healthy or increasing immunity and supporting your overall health you can book a consultation with Rakshaa Chhabriaa ( UK certified Bach Flower Therapist ) online or offline.
If you would like to chat more about these solutions and the remedies, she would be delighted to chat with you about them.
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