No matter the kind of business your organization is into, Digital security in today’s environment should be the highest priority to avoid any kind of loss such as financial, reputational etc.
Do you know how secure your organization is when it comes to digital security? Are you aware which all steps to be taken to get protected? Do you want to have overall control of the security posture of your organization? It is no more complicated and can be done without having any kind of specialized training or high-level information security courses. Here is the solution from ZServiceDesk to establish the overall governance for security risks and many other important parameters, and can get started in almost no time. Have a look at the below features about how ZServiceDesk can ensure the best protection ever.
Manage your Risks
Unless you aren’t aware of or managing risk properly, you can’t assume how much potential loss could be if something goes wrong. For any corporate, it is a tedious task to manage the complete lifecycle of Risk. Under this feature, once you identify a specific risk, you can categorize, prioritize, assign an owner and keep track of all risk related parameters. You can define the impact of risk and what steps to be taken to reduce the risk with a complete plan of action. You can create tasks and assign them to someone and create all controls to be deployed to reduce the risk. Management stakeholders can view a single dashboard of risks and define the next course of action to be executed.
Enforce Security Policies
At the operational levels, if employees are not taking sufficient measures or they aren’t aware of what to do or not to do so, they could open a gate for cybercriminals and finally it is the organization, who incur the actual losses. Hence the best way to protect at an operational level is to define certain rules and enforce them at the organizational level.
ZServiceDesk Policy Management can help your organization to create security policies and circulate them to all employees within the organization. You can manage all the policy parameters such as Policy Status, who has created, who has approved, Policy Owner, Viewers Group, Send Policies, Discard Policies etc.
Audit & Compliances
If your organization is bound to comply with certain compliances such as ISO27001, PCI-DSS etc. or if you are facing regular internal or external audits to meet the compliances, laws and regulations, ZServiceDesk’s this module to going to ease everything related to audits and compliances.
All key compliance clauses are available so that you align the same with your requirement and track the completion status or score of compliances and define all actions to be taken to ensure timely compliances and avoid any kind of penalty. Further, you can create Audit activities and record all important information, assign tasks, audit plans, sample or actual audit data, challenges, schedule, documentation etc.
Other Features
There are many other features available such as security documents repository, Initiate security-related communication to all the users etc. You can also manage the vendors related information and ask them, which all security measures they follow and how they are ensuring the protection when in agreement with your organization.
Finally, Intelligent Dashboards and Custom reports are going to give actionable intelligence to the management and help them to take the decisions accordingly.