Vishwakalyan School and Junior College held its prestigious Investiture Ceremony on 28th July 2023, from 11:00 am to 12:20 pm, in the school activity hall. The event marked the induction of the new student council for the academic year 2023-2024, and it was attended by enthusiastic students from Class VIII to X. The ceremony aimed to instill the values of leadership, responsibility, and teamwork among the students, enabling them to contribute positively to the school community.
The Investiture Ceremony commenced with the grandeur of a March past, where the students enthusiastically welcomed the distinguished Chief guests - Mr. Amarnath Waghmode, Senior Police Inspector of PCMC, and Mr. Mane, alongside the revered Principal, Dr. Deepali Shirgave. The lighting of the lamp symbolized the eradication of darkness and the illumination of knowledge, setting the stage for a new era of responsible leadership within the student body.
In her inspiring speech, Principal Dr. Deepali Shirgave, emphasized the significance of the student council as a platform for serving peers and making a positive impact on the school community. She encouraged the newly elected leaders to uphold their responsibilities diligently and foster a spirit of unity and collaboration among their peers.
The momentous occasion saw the investiture of the Head Boy, Head Girl, Captains of various houses, and other council members. The Principal and Chief guests adorned them with sashes and badges, symbolizing their commitment to lead and serve with integrity and dedication.
The Oath ceremony, delivered by Principal Dr. Deepali Shirgave, resonated with determination as the newly elected student council members pledged to fulfill their responsibilities with sincerity and dedication, working towards the betterment of their fellow students and the school.
The Investiture Ceremony concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks delivered by Sudha Ma'am, expressing gratitude to all the guests, students, and staff who made the event a resounding success. The school now eagerly anticipates witnessing the achievements and positive impact of the newly appointed student council throughout the academic year.
Vishwakalyan School and Junior College takes immense pride in nurturing young leaders and providing them with opportunities to grow and excel in all facets of life.