Plagiarism is a type of scientific misconduct that is described as attempting to publish material without correctly attributing the original author and publication and using ideas or language that were created by another person or taken from one's own prior works. By simply not duplicating any printed materials, producing original language in one's own words, and, if paraphrasing, citing the source, writers can easily avoid plagiarism. Unfortunately, incidents of plagiarism have become all too widespread in the scientific community, suggesting that many authors have either forgotten or ignored these straightforward principles. ' A forgiving perspective is that authors who commit plagiarism don't know what it means to do so. Science follows a set of rules for research that are independent of geography, social mores, or individual preferences. Considering that the norms regulating writing and publishing data are sacred and that doing so is essential to the scientific enterprise. We must all agree on and uphold the same standards when it comes to plagiarism. As the major "gatekeeper" of scientific integrity, we as the editors and publishers of the Annals of Biomedical Engineering take this responsibility seriously. We strongly encourage reviewers and readers to express ethical concerns or simple inquiries about what constitutes plagiarism in our papers and published articles because we do not allow plagiarism or any other form of associated misconduct. We also anticipate that our writers will take extreme precautions to prevent plagiarism.

1. Don't copy. Mimicking verbatim words from any other paper or book (even if it's your own previously published work) is not good writing. Very short quotations are acceptable when contained within quotation marks and citing
the source immediately following the quote. It should go without saying that copying without quotation marks and lacking appropriate citations is blatant plagiarism. but unfortunately, this does occur.
2. Compose a piece in your own words. Without referencing another author's words or writing style, express all of your own ideas in writing. Consequently, you want to try to minimize the use of paraphrasing. The only circumstances in which it is appropriate to paraphrase—rewriting someone else's material in your own words—include the original source citation at the conclusion of the paraphrased portion are when it appears briefly in the text (for example, a paragraph). Here, refraining from paraphrasing is the simplest method to allay any concerns about plagiarism. To communicate your ideas, use your own, original *voice*. Material that has been borrowed must always be cited before the original text.
3. Cite if in doubt. This may be a sign that you're not writing enough in your own words if you find yourself citing a lot. This is a signal that your manuscript would benefit from revision. It is not necessary to reference or use quote marks around common words and phrases. However, any mention of commonly understood concepts must be properly attributed.
4. Don't reuse text, photos, figures, or tables from one of your own previously published publications without citing them. In general, it's better to avoid publishing a figure that has already been published. However, if you must, cite the original study in the figure or table caption, make sure to note in the test that it originated from your earlier publication, and acquire permission if you have not kept the copyrights. Don't reuse text on different papers. For each paper, create a fresh text. Self-plagiarism, albeit frequently unintentional, is viewed the same as willful plagiarism if you fail to follow these instructions.
5. Request consent. You must obtain the author's consent and properly credit them if you intend to use a figure, table, or any other type of previously unpublished data that was produced or obtained by someone who is not a co-author of your paper. If you create your own figure or table, the same rules applyparaphrasing