#AYearThatWas – Inspiring Story of Kanika Bhagatia
The year 2020 and 2021 was challenging for everyone. But the most affected individuals were children, even though they were proven to be at a lower risk of contracting the virus. With no school, no outdoor play and increased screen time, no socialization, and peer association, the outcome of an ongoing pandemic had many dire mental health effects on children.

Amongst the chaos that ensued in the year gone by (almost!), there was an inspiring story of a child who showed her resilience and strength in surmounting obstacles and coming out victorious.had finally got it.
In a time when we all needed some inspiration, the 4.6-Year-Old Kanika Bhagatia was busy identifying herself to be one of the 'Youngest Cuber ". Her unmatched determination and grit led her to make history.

The story begins with the young lad who received a rubic cube (3x3) as a return gift in a birthday party, during the party she kept hours of fidgeting and fiddling with the cube, where she solved one colour of the cube all by herself- true achievement! .

Also, the movie "Saina" was an inspiration for Kanika to win many titles for herself. Her keenness to know why Saina put the medal in her mouth in the movie was a motivation to her. It felt that the Rubik’s cube was specifically designed to outfox her. Personally, HER!

The four-year-old started her training in Cubes and then continued on all the important wins in her life. By applying herself, taking breaks, resting, and starting again, she did it. Her enormous sense of achievement she felt when she saw it all come together in the final twists. Achieving things that are harder, required her to be resilient and paid dividends in the self-actualized reward. Her biggest fans are her parents Keyur Bhagatia and Priya Bhagatia, who never let her lose faith in any competition and have wholeheartedly supported her. They were determined to see their daughter rise to the top and shine.
Finding herself while she is young is very important.

Her achievements
“Official Participate of Guinness World Records”
Most people solving rotating puzzle cubes simultaneously online.
Solved 3X3, 2X2, Skweb, Pyraminx & Mirror Cubes in 10 Minutes & 33 Seconds
along with In-line Skates and set a New World Record on 1st October 2021.
Names mentioned & confirmed by various Books of Records are as below:

She won Second Runner-up in 3X3 Cube, 1st Runner-up in 2X2 Cube, Champion in Mirror Cube, 1st Runner-up in 4X4 Cube, and Champion in Skweb Cube in the 9th National Cube Championship, R-City Mall, Mumbai Organised by Indian Cube Association [Category age 4 to 7] Dt. 2nd October 2022
She won “Princess” in Kids Modeling organized by Happy Fest Kanika won the “Fenta Perfect Model of the Year - Kids” title organized by Fenta Association Dt. 28th August 2022
She won First Runner-up in 3X3 Cube, Champion in Pyraminx Cube, Champion in 4X4 Cube, and Youngest Fastest Cuber Award, event Organised by Vadodara Rubik's Cube Olympiad [Category age 4 to 7] Dt. 7th August 2022
She won the “Champion” Title in Mirror Cube & Winning Versatile Gold Medal, National Cube Championship, Ahmedabad Organised by Indian Cube Association [Category age 4 to 7] Dt. 31st July 2022
She won “Bharat Ki Shaan - ChhuloAasman Season - 4” award in Young Kid Model by Kala Sankruti Foundation Dt. 15th July 2022
She won “Award of Honour - Bhartiya Baal Sanskruti” award Young Kid Model by Kala Sankruti Foundation Dt. 15th July 2022
She won Third Place in 3X3 Cube, 5th Runner-up in 2X2 Cube, 3rd Runner-up in Pyraminx Cube, Second Place in Megaminx Cube, Second Place in 4X4 Cube, 3rd Place in Skweb Cube event Organised by Tamilnadu Cube Association [Category age 4 to 7] Dt. 28th April 2022
She won the title “Super Kid Gujarat Super Model - 2022” Organised by Unique Fashion Look, Ahmedabad
She won the “Kids Fashion Show - 2022” Organised by Beyond School, Ahmedabad [Total 132 Participants]
She won the “Super Talented International Kids Awards 2022” Category Solving Cube with Skating Organised by IWA, Ayesha Shaik
She won title “Princess - Modeling” Kids Family Week Organised by Innovative, YMCA Club, Ahmedabad
She won “First Runner-up - Fancy Dress Competition” Kids Family Week Organised by Innovative, YMCA Club, Ahmedabad
She won “Gold Medal” in Speed Skating Championship Organised by Little Champs Skating Organisation [Category age under 8]
She won First Runner-up in 3X3 Cube, 1st Runner-up in 2X2 Cube, Champion in Pyraminx Cube, 1st Runner-up in 4X4 Cube, 3rd Place in the Skweb Cube event Organised by Jodhpur Cube Championship [Category age 4 to 7] Dt. 9th April 2022
Complete “Two hours nonstop skating” event with Gold Medal, Organised by – Universal Explorer Group, Gandhinagar Invitational Dt. 27th March 2022
“All India State Level Tournament,” Organised by Tamilnadu Cube Association, Tamilnadu Won the 4X4 Cube 2nd Rank (Trophy), 2X2 Cube 5th Rank (Medal), Skewb Cube 3rd Rank (Trophy), 3X3 Cube 3rd Rank (Trophy), Megaminx 2nd Rank (Trophy), Pyraminx 5th Rank (Medal) Dt. 26th March 2022
She won the Title “Princess” Organised by Fashion TV (FTV) Ahmedabad. [Category age 3 to 6] Dt. 20th March 2022
“ICA International Cube Championship” 3X3 Cube 2nd Runner Up (Trophy), 2X2 Cube 1st Runner Up (Trophy), Mirror Cube Champion (Trophy), 4X4 Cube Champion (Trophy) February 2022
Blue Vouge Fashion Show Winner “Princess”, Organized by Blue Bird Events, Ahmedabad. [Category age 4 to 10] Dt. 26th March 2022
She won the Title “Super Kid Gujarat” organized by Josh App. [Category age 4 to 12] Dt. 27th March 2022
She won the 3 Gold Medals & 1 Silver Medal in the “National Competition for Musical Chair” held in Goa [Category age 4 to 6] Dt. 12th & 13th February 2022
Kanika won the Dance competition & 1st Runner Up in Modelling Ramp Walk, Organised by Ved International School, Gandhinagar. [31st December 2021]
She won the “Special Trophy Winner” in Sort Talent Mission (STM) Unique Talent - Win The Winners Contest – 2021 She won the “Bronze Medal” in offline cube competition organized by Krishna Academy, Ahmedabad in the below 7 year category (3 X 3 Cube)
She is selected as a Proud Awardee for “Top 100 Child Achievers” around the World by Global Kids Achievers Awards (GKAA 2021)
She is selected among the “100 Global Child Prodigy” She won Two Medals in "The Musical Chair & Skating Sports Association” (Gujarat State) Affiliated To The Musical Chair & Skating Federation of India.
She won the first prize in the Dance Competition named “Crazy Moves - 21” Organised by AFC Dance Studio in Junior Category
She won the tag of "Bachpan - The Kids Talent Show - Season 1" organized by VSM Productions. Her performance included Skating with Cube & Dance as well as she did a Ramp Walk.
She won the “Youngest Versatile Child Award” in Solo Dance Category Organised by The National Academy for Art Education (Surbhee Awards).
She won the Excellence Medal, where over 330 contestants participated in the Cube Competition by “International GIST 2021” (3X3, Pyraminx, 2X2 &Skweb Cubes) 4 Cubes in just 219 seconds in below 7 years category.
She also got selected for the Finale in "India's Talent War" in the Solo Dance Category
Kanika & her group won the 1st Runner's Up Title in the “Dance Skate Sport Championship 2020-2021” Organised by the Dance Skate Sports Association of Gujarat in Vadodara. Category Dance with Skating on 9th august 2021
Kanika is appreciated by “India Book of Records” for reciting names of all Indian states and their capitals, 5 oceans, 7 continents, New 7 wonders of the world, 4 national symbols, Name of Prime Minister of India, Name of Chief Minister of Gujarat and Name of Capital of India; and solving 3 Rubik’s cubes namely 2x2, 3x3 and Pyraminx at the age of 4 years and 8 months, as confirmed on July 14, 2021.
Won the "Youngest Cuber Medal" in Summer Blast Cube Championship, where over 431 contestants took part in the championship and Kanika has set a benchmark for solving 3 X 3 Rubik's cube in 1 Minute 48 Seconds, 2 X 2 Rubik’s cube in 34.02 second and Pyraminx Cube in 44.24 seconds! - Organised by Genius Kids Vashi Mentor By Indian Cube. Association June 2021.
Let’s fill ourselves with the wonder of achieving something we thought impossible!
Don't forget to follow this little angel on instagram
To interact with her, you can connect with Mr. Keyur Bhagatia at this number +91 94265 63356
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