TEDxHyderabad Women 2023, a half-day TEDx event held on Sunday evening at The Park in the city, resonated with the theme "Two Steps Forward." Four remarkable speakers, Duvvuru Varshitha, Sharanya Ari, Anu Prasad, and Aradhana Lal, took the stage, each with their inspiring stories of conquering adversity and achieving remarkable heights, delivering impactful talks within the mandated 18-minute TEDx timeframe.
Hosted by Ekta Viiveck, a TEDx Hyderabad volunteer, the event marked the 34th edition of TEDx in the city. Viiveck shared that TEDx events, occurring in 170 countries worldwide, aim to spread innovative ideas across various platforms, from schools and colleges to prisons. TEDx Hyderabad stood out as one of India's premier events, fostering a community of thinkers, enablers, and doers since its inception in 2014.
Viiveck Verma, the licensee, and curator of TEDx Hyderabad, emphasized the event's purpose: to create a unique gathering fostering new ideas, inspiration, and information, one TEDx talk at a time. The event received support from sponsors including Swastik Spices, FICCI Ladies Organization, and SAHE (Society for Advancement of Human Endeavour).
The event commenced with an introductory TEDx video, setting the stage for the theme inspired by TED's mission to move women "Two Steps Forward" in their endeavors. Aradhana Lal, a leader in Sustainability/ESG Initiatives at Lemon Tree Hotels, stressed the significance of inclusivity in organizations, promoting creativity, loyalty, and engagement among employees.
Sharanya Ari, an Indian Administrative Service officer, captivated the audience with her poignant storytelling, shedding light on the challenges faced by women in public spaces. She urged for inclusive urban planning and gender equality, showcasing Chennai's pioneering efforts in becoming India’s first gender-inclusive city.
Duvvuru Varshitha, a MedTech Innovator, shared her journey of innovation driven by her diabetic condition, aiming to improve the lives of others through her non-invasive blood glucose monitor device. Her emotional narrative resonated deeply with the audience, earning her a heartfelt applause.
The event culminated with Anu Prasad, Founder & CEO of India Leaders for Social Sector (ILSS), advocating for gender equality and parity within social purpose organizations. She encouraged women to seize their power and contribute towards creating a more inclusive society, emphasizing the vast opportunities that lie in gender equality.
The TEDxHyderabad Women 2023 event proved to be a platform where powerful narratives converged, inspiring change and empowering individuals to take "Two Steps Forward" in their lives and communities.