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Corporate stress and Emotional Mental health - Rakshaa chhabriaa

Writer: Team Stay FeaturedTeam Stay Featured

There's a lot in the media these days about Corporate Stress and Emotional & Mental Health but what exactly is it?

Poor or even average stress and mental health is living with suppressed intense negative emotions, so much so that these feelings control your life whether you are realising it or not . All outcomes you are unhappy about are surfacing out of these emotions .

Corporate stress and Emotional Mental health - Rakshaa chhabriaa
Corporate stress and Emotional Mental health - Rakshaa chhabriaa

Princes William and Harry admitted having difficulty dealing with their mother's death and since then it’s been the headlines . And now the Prince and Princess of Wales are championing the importance of Emotional Mental Health for happy and productive lives. Your mental and emotional health are everything.

Feeling unloved often stems from many underlying layers of emotions including past experiences, relationship dynamics and internal beliefs. Whether from childhood experiences of neglect or shaped by more recent disappointments, getting to the origins is crucial in addressing the feeling of being unloved.

The feeling of being unloved can manifest in various ways, ranging from persistent sadness , low self esteem ,difficulty forming healthy relationships and seeking validation from others. Recognising these symptoms allows us to acknowledge and address the impact of feeling unloved on our daily lives.

This feeling can take a toll on mental and emotional wellbeing, contributing to the stress stemming from anxiety and depression .

The persistent sense of emptiness and inadequacy can erode our sense of self-worth and hinder our ability to experience joy and fulfilment in life. Understanding the profound impact of feeling unloved underscores the importance of seeking effective strategies for emotional healing and growth.

'Depression' or rather “ sadness”covers an entire package of feelings that are all involved with poor 'emotional mental health'.

The two buzz words that come to my mind in connection with Emotional Mental Health are 'Anxiety' and 'Depression' and anyone who lives with either or both of these feelings often suffers from severe loneliness.

Bothe create a conducive growing environment for each other and the circle gets completed .

Depression is most of the times the result of anxiety , lack of confidence at a very deep level that we've lived with for longer than we realise.

Rakshaa Chhabriaa
Rakshaa Chhabriaa

Also other emotional states associated are self blame , guilt , low self esteem .

The good news is : Bach Remedies can heal painful feelings .

we're all different and we react to experiences in different ways, so we may often need different Bach Remedies.

It might be that two people with seemingly similar 'depressions' might need different remedy combinations for a healing.

Let’s understand the difference between “anxiety and panic “.

It is the intensity of your feelings that's different.

If you feel really intense anxiety that changes how you live then a combination with Rock Rose will be beneficial.

If you're a 'worrier' and are anxious about the things of everyday life, then a combination with Mimulus would work well .

Every remedy needs a supportive remedy and a link breaker so as to effectively transform and change the feeling . Without the support and link breaker - results are short lived .

Rescue Remedy - as the name suggests “ rescue “

. It literally rescues you from a panic or emergency or a grief situation.

Nobody I know needs rescue every now and then though it is widely used due to its marketing effect . But it doesn’t help as you may not need any of the remedies which make a rescue combination.

It 'sticks you back together' when you feel you're 'falling apart'. So this remedy can be a good starter in an emergency .

The Rescue Remedy contains Rock Rose, the remedy for panic and intense anxiety and Star of Bethlehem for shock, trauma and sadness - even if your feelings are from childhood.

Mustard for a depression that comes on suddenly, out of the blue. It's as if a dark cloud falls on you and you feel as if you're living in fog. Your mind isn't working and you've no clarity of thought. The most important indicator for Mustard, is there appears to be no cause for these awful feelings.

Larch is for the lack of self-confidence. Few realise that lacking confidence can put you into an extremely deep state of despair. You don't try to do anything because you believe you can't do it - and everyone can do it better than you. So you don't even try.

Pine is for self-reproach, it's for when thoughts similar to "I should have done better. I could

have done more. I wish I hadn't said this or done that" run through your mind. I'm sure you know what I mean. We all need Pine at some time in our life .

Mimulus - If you know what you're afraid of, Mimulus is for you. Mimulus is afraid of 'life' They don't talk about their anxieties and push them down into their stomach. Mimulus children often get stomach ache when they're anxious.

Sweet Chestnut is for deep anguish and despair and a dark knight of the soul kinda feeling Or unendurable desolation and desperation.

These remedies will help you through the dark days of mental and emotional confusion.

If you or someone you know, suffers from despair and depression this information will help them to know about the natural plant based Bach Flower Remedies.

Feeling good is the most important thing in our lives and if you don't feel good, then Bach Flower Remedies are a really simple way of healing your feelings.

Let’s take our feelings seriously since they can’t talk and express but only keep changing their form from unseen to seen in disease .

Feeling good is our primary responsibility towards ourself .

Message me for your personalised consultation and you can study the Bach Flower Remedies with me to manage your own and your family's emotions.

Health is in our hands - literally this is true with “ Bach Remedies”.

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