POSITIVE THOUGHTS CONSULTING & TRAINING SOLUTIONS presented its 6th Global Conference “COLLOQUIUM” on 19th Dec, 21 @6:00 PM IST through ZOOM as well as showcased on “FACEBOOK LIVE” on the official page of “POSITIVE THOUGHTS”.
Members joined from different parts of the World to witness this Blockbuster Live Session.

“Positive Thoughts Family” is a Procert UK ISO certified, GST Registered firm. Registered under the Ministry of MSME, Government of India, along with many International Collaborations. It is a Global Community of Speakers and Trainers, Coaches, Educationist, Healers, Authors, Social Activist from across India and from almost 50 different countries, on a mission to learn, connect, share and bridge the gap between Brands/Organizations/Nations and will work on the Mission of Empowerment for ” STRESS-FREE EDUCATION & LIFE.”
This Elite Executive community is for all the like-minded Positive People from all across the globe, who want to Share, Inspire, and help each other to grow their successes together by empowering one another.
The COLLOQUIUM CHAPTER 6 laid emphasis on Culture-based Teachings. Research shows that culturally relevant teachings can increase students interest, engagement and retention of classroom content. But, what does culturally relevant teaching look like and feel like?
It's not about hanging multicultural posters and teaching Shakespeare with hip hop beats. This Global Conference cleared up some common misconceptions and provided the strategies you can use whether you are a teacher or support staff, working in urban or rural areas.
MASTER OF CEREMONY for the conference was Ms Veena Harrwani (She is a Trainer for Radio Jockey, Anchoring, Communication Skills, Motivational Speaking and Singing) along with her Co-moderator Ms Upali Aparajita (She is working as a Program Lead with Amazon). They both are the Honourary members of Positive Thoughts from India.
Guest of Honor & Speakers were invited from different parts of the world for this Global Conference.

The first guest Dr Nada Ratkovic from Croatia is a Professor, Trainer, Educator, Researcher, Reviewer, International Speaker, Moderator, Motivator, Project manager, Social worker. She also has a diploma as a Computer Informatic STEM expert. Honorary works for the International Internship University (IIU), the World’s First Virtual University where she is a Board member, Country director of Croatia, Administrative Core team and SDG board member of IIU working on many global projects and organizing events on a global level with a great IIU team.
She shared the importance of Business communication, language, culture and clarity in Cultural teachings.

The second guest Dr Pramod Mahajan from UAE is an M.Sc.(Physics) B.Ed.(Creativity), M.A.(Education), M.B.A.(TrainingDevelopment),Ph.D.(Metaphysics). He is School Director and Principal Sharjah Indian School Sharjah, UAE. He started with a song that was appreciated by everyone.
He emphasised Cultural sensitivity, Yarn of curiosity, and shared the 5R’s: Relevance, Respect, Responsive, Riger and Research-based. He believes in the concept of Vasudev Kuthumbakam, the whole world is my home.

The third guest Dr Beatriz Lucia Salvador Bizotto from Brazil is a Postdoctoral student at the University of Aveiro Portugal. PhD in Administration from the University of Caxias do Sul UCS- PUC RS Agreement. Master in Business Administration, Specialization in Controllership, Graduated in Accounting Sciences.
She shared the value of Relevant teaching, Gamification, Cyberculture, Facts, Reflection and suggestions.

The fourth guest Dr Muthmainnah from Indonesia is an Assistant professor at the University of Al Asyariah Mandar west Sulawesi Indonesia. She is a lecturer, global speaker and international leader. Now, she is Deputy Director of the language and Character development institute at her university.
She shared in detail the Education practices being used, the need for ICT Training and the importance of Online education with Technological advancement.

The fifth guest was Md. Shahriar Parvez from Bangladesh . He is a PhD. Research Fellow, PhD (Honoris causa on Human Rights) MDS (Dev Eco) MBA (Fin), Honor's (BBA, Banking) President Gold Medalist, Academician (Professor) and Researcher, Global Motivational Speaker. He is the Founder and CEO of Independent Perception and Research Hub Bangladesh. He is an International Reviewer, HRPUB, USA. Editorial board member GRIBA, Australia, ex IQAC PSAC Chair, IQAC, CU, UGC World Bank, Chapter Bangladesh.
He gave a detailed insight into the distinctive features and aspects of CRT and its significance. He also elaborated on different strategies, plans, approaches that may be implemented to make culturally relevant teaching more impactful and effective.

The sixth guest was Prof. Luís Miguel Cardoso from Portugal. He holds a PhD. in Modern Languages and Literatures, in the speciality of Comparative Literature (Literature and Cinema), from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra. Adjunct Professor at the Department of Language and Communication Sciences at the School of Education and Social Sciences of the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal, he is a professor of Higher Education since 1995. He was Dean of the School of Education and Social Sciences between 2010 and 2018 and Deputy Director of the Master in Media and Society. He is a researcher at the Centre for Comparative Studies at the University of Lisbon.
He shared a unique insight on Cinema as an innovative teaching-learning tool. He emphasised using Cinema as an interdisciplinary strategy to create awareness about different cultures, societies, languages. He spoke about the importance of film literacy as an important pedagogy for schools.

The seventh guest was Ms Hadarean Diana Monica from Romania. She is a Global teacher, an author with over 100 publications in school journals, school magazines, national and international conferences. Has over 31 years of experience, has worked on several international projects. She is an International speaker from Romania. A representative member of India from Romania, International book coordinator for Edukos Unite of Scholars. She has been conferred with numerous awards and recognition at both National and International levels.
She elucidated on the topic "How to motivate students to learn". She shared her views on Interscholastic projects, collaborative learning, Intercultural exchanges, Interscholastic projects with other countries as stimuli to learn.

There was a Special Musical performance and a play for deaf and dumb by Ms Elene Shalamberidze from Georgia. She is 11 years old. She attends Anabasis Private School. She is a singer and dancer. She is also involved in various regional projects. Has received numerous awards in various subject Olympiads and won Second Place in the International Song Contest. She is also an active member of TBC.

All the Guest Speakers as well as the Master of Ceremony were virtually facilitated with Certificates by Dr Supriya Kumaravelan from India (Co-chair of Positive Thoughts). She also gave a Vote of Thanks.

Informative, Valuable and Motivational insights were also shared by Dr Gaurav Sharma (Founder & CEO of Positive Thoughts) at the end of the session.
It was a Mega Blockbuster Global event with lots of valuable insights.

Let’s spread Love, Joy, warmth, happiness, respect, gratitude, wisdom amongst each other and let’s make our world a more beautiful, peaceful, stress-free and more empowering place to live all together.
The event was Coordinated by Dr Ina Singh (Chairperson of Positive Thoughts) & Dr Supriya Kumaravelan (Co-chair of Positive Thoughts) from India along with the International Co-ordinator of Positive Thoughts, Dr Inga Kharchilava from Georgia.
The article is written by Dr Priti Shrimal (Advisory Board Member & Content Manager of Positive Thoughts) and Ms Geetu Makkar (Content Manager of Positive Thoughts).
If you want to witness these kinds of sessions in future, please follow the Facebook page