Sahara Production House and Midas Touch Institute jointly conducted the final round of the Mono Act Competition along with the Prize distribution ceremony at the Malabar Gold Showroom Hall at Laxmi Road recently. Senior Theatre Artist Suhasini Deshpande, All India Film Corporation President Meghraj Raje Bhosale and Anchor Sandeep Patil were present as chief guests.

During the ceremony, Suhasini Deshpande expressed the view that before acting in films, series, web series, one should act in a play on the stage. She said that whatever the role, it should be harmonized and lived. She advised the young emerging actors to watch old plays to learn how to act.

In the Mono Act competition, Anjali Jagtap, Umesh Kulkarni and Ritu Kulkarni bagged the first, second and third prizes respectively, while Lata Takalkar, Anushree Sapre, Bharti Thorat and Pranali Kadkol bagged the consolation prizes. Sahara's Dr Rajendra Bhawalkar, Rasika Bhawalkar, Dr Anjali Joshi of Midas Touch, Judge Pradip Prabhune, Graphic Designer Vaishali Chipalkatti, Neetu Arora and Atharva Joshi of Abhijit Joshi Memorial Foundation were present on the occasion.
